Friday, 5 November 2010

Tate Modern Exhibition...

The 'Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera' Exhibition held at the Tate Modern, London.

Since its invention, the camera has been used to make images surreptitiously and satisfy the desire to see what is hidden. Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera examines photography's role in voyeuristic looking from the middle of the nineteenth century to the present day. It includes pictures taken by professional photographers and artists, but also images made without our knowledge on a daily basis through the proliferation of CCTV.

The exhibition is divided into five thematic sections:
The Unseen Photographer
Celebrity and the Public Gaze
Voyeurism and Desire
Witnessing Violence
In each case, the nature and character of invasive looking is evident not only in the images themselves, but also in the ways in which the viewer is implicated in acts of voyeurism. Rather than blame the camera for showing illicit or forbidden material, Exposed explores the uneasy relationship between making and viewing images that deliberately cross lines of privacy and propriety.  Exhibition Introduction from Tate Modern.

Images from the exhibition that have inspired me:

Arthur Fellig, 1943

Voyeuristic and invasive of privacy: is that photography today? When does photography tip over the line into surveillance?

An interesting article i found online about the Tate Modern exhibition that relates to this project.

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